Due to the current situation with COVID-19, as well as other circumstances beyond our control, we have canceled the 2021 Bart & Nadia Sports Experience. We are sad to miss this opportunity to introduce Oklahoma families to all kinds of different sports and encourage them to take ownership of their health. We hope to see you all in 2022! Stay safe and stay healthy!
We will still be holding the Bart Conner International Invitational and Nadia Comaneci International Invitational at the Bart Conner Gymnastics Academy in Norman, OK. Please visit www.bartconnergymnastics.com for more information.
The Bart & Nadia Sports Experience encourages families to take ownership of their health through activities that embrace Olympic, Paralympic and Special Olympics ideals with an emphasis on sports, nutrition and wellness.
This is a FREE, family fun event and takes place on Saturday, Feb. 20th, 2021, from 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. at the Cox Arena & Convention Center.